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Kashmir Story


Kashmir Valley was once regarded as one of the most naturally beautiful places on earth. But for more than three decades now, unrest has ripped apart this serene landscape by combined forces of conflict and natural disasters, which have left an ecological and social crisis in its wake.

The impact of the conflict on women in Kashmir for the last three decades has deeply affected the living standard of women, their access to education, health and so on. 

The challenges faced by the women in Kashmir during the turmoil are extremely painful. Although against all odds, the women of Kashmir are as resourceful and brave as they are vulnerable.

We have put together a series of articles and stories written by various experts who have been working, researching, and reporting on the Kashmir situation during this ongoing conflict. Please click the pdf on right to read the articles. 


A short document on the impact of the conflict on Women and children in Kashmir: by Dr Bashir Dabla.Professor Bashir Ahmad Dabla, was a prominent Sociologist. He is the founder of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at University of Kashmir. Prof Dabla , has produced more than twenty books and more than sixty articles on various sociological themes most of them related to society of Kashmir.


Women of purpose an in-depth article of women in Kashmir during the ongoing conflict : by Justin Hardy from Healing Kashmir 


A short Article By Freny Manecksha which gives us some insight about the Women's life in Kashmir


A detailed case study of the Conflict and the impact of the conflict on Environment By Case Author: Jennifer Crook


Report on Green Kashmir visit September 2016 Author: Jenny Lynn - Psychotherapist


Introduction on the effects of the conflict with ongoing PTSD : by Justin Hardy from Healing Kashmir


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