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Rainbow of Hope


Chakra Shakti BE A RAINBOW.png

Sending a Rainbow of Hope that this global vulnerability will bring us all together, united by our humanity!


Dear Chakra Project friends,
Greetings from the Chakra Project team. We hope you and your families and friends have stayed safe during these times of crisis.
Never before has the value of being community minded and supporting each other been so clear, as the coronavirus sends shockwaves through our lives. While some of us fortunate enough to stay at home safely, others are losing their livelihood, risking their life or facing the loss of loved ones. And for many, social interaction has moved largely online. As we each navigate this new reality, it’s important to keep the big picture in mind.



At a time of crisis, we know charities want and need to be able to give their all to supporting people who need it most. They cannot do that if they have to suspend their work or close altogether.

Bearing all this in mind, as well as our contingency plans for Covid-19 resilience and recovery in the short term, our long term goal to mitigate these crises includes launching the new project Nature Based Solutions in order to continue to strive in every way to support the women and their families to sustain themselves during this extremely difficult situation in Kashmir; however we need support to do so.

By providing practical support and counselling for those women and families disproportionately affected by the crisis, we will be ensuring as many women as possible and their families are protected from the hardships and hunger as a result of reduced family incomes. 

But we cannot do this without your help.

As a community project, we are heavily reliant on the ongoing support from people like you. 

In these uncertain times, help us to keep on continue to support the families involved with the Chakra Project.  

Here is what we are planning to do: Please, support us so that we can make sure the most vulnerable families survive this crisis. 


Recovery & Resilience through Nature Based Solutions using the framework of Permaculture.

To develop a Community Boot Camp Style teaching for the women involved in the Chakra Project. raining in mitigation of the threats of Covid-19, climate breakdown and systems collapse in Kashmir, where they are facing a situation of conflict, state break down, ecological devastation, food shortage and a growing mental health crisis. We will work with our umbrella organisation ‘Green Kashmir Permaculture Trust’ who are already developing such a programme, dubbed Trauma Informed Permaculture (TIP).

Specific objectives of the Project. Phase 1


Boot Camp Style teaching for all the women involved in Chakra Project for finding nature-based solutions to the current global crisis:


  • Kitchen Gardening

  • CSA food growing

  • Poultry rearing

  • Water harvesting techniques

  • Composting methods

  • Mulching

  • Heirloom seeds and seed saving

  • Companion Planting

  • Re-vegetation practices. 


The project will require:

  1. 20 Green houses size 8x4ft 

  2. 5 Green Houses 10x6 ft

  3. Distribute practical resources to up to all 40 ladies, Gardening tools, seeds, saplings, etc.

  4. 20 Chicken coups

  5. 80 Egg laying hens

  6. Chicken feed

  7. 20 Incubators 

  8. Training in Permaculture & Poultry rearing skills

  9. Support all the women involved through the Chakra Project to have small gatherings within their own areas to share best practices for kitchen gardens and to socialise with other local women to share and exchange the new ideas for recovery through growing their own food and chicken keeping practices.


We would be incredibly grateful if you are able to support us in any way to deliver this project as this could be a lifeline for the Chakra project families in Kashmir. 


This project will be using a three-tier approach for the success of the project. While each area of the project functionally operates on its own, optimal results will happen when all three areas are delivered and integrated to support each other for the success of overall project.

  1. Kitchen Gardening.

  2. Introduction to Practical Permaculture.

  3. Chicken Keeping.

Here are the ways you can support us to bring this project into life. 

  1. You can support by making a donation.

  2. You can support by making a purchase from our Chakra Project online shop.      

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As we continue to find our way through these uncertain times, we will do our best to keep you updated if anything changes as a result of new government guidelines.

So, if you're at home and feel like browsing through our online shop and help us to continue the support for the women and their families in Kashmir. Please click shop to support.

May we all be well

May we all be happy

May we all develop and grow

May all beings be free from suffering.

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